Sonntag, 30. Juli 2017

Easy Ideas for Pirate Costumes

Have you ever wondered how to get a cool pirate costume?

There are so many people with amazing costumes at the events I attend or the pictures I see in facebook galleries. A lot of them sew their stuff but if you’re like me -  all thumbs – sewing isn’t an option and letting someone else make a costume  would be incredibly expensive. Luckily there are lots of other possibilities to get a really decent costume that doesn’t look like cheap carnival stuff.
In the following I would like to give you some personal advice because a costume doesn’t always have to be expensive or handmade.

Option 1: flea markets
Do you also enjoy walking through a flea market? I really enjoy this and always find something nice. Especially for old jewelry a flea market is the right place. The seller doesn’t need granny’s golden rings anymore? Buy them! Pirates wear golden rings! Sometimes you even find old blouses with ruffles or old coats that are just perfect for a pirate costume. Just keep your eyes open and I am sure you’ll find a little treasure! J

Option 2: The WWW
Since we just love to pretend to live back in the early 17th and 18th century we can take advantage of the internet. You don’t even have to go on Etsy, sometimes Amazon is enough to find a decent skirt, blouse or breeches. You just ave to enter the right keyword. “Bohemian” works always great for ladies and “army” for the gentlemen. Ebay is also a good source for second hand clothing and sometimes you’re lucky enough to find some cheap vintage clothing.

Option 3: Costume Stores
Depending on where you live you might be lucky to have a costume store around the corner or at least close by. Lots of them have annual sales and sell really good costumes that are actually authentic looking. Though you should be careful with the material. Synthetic fabrics might look nice but are usually crappy to wear at medieval events or renaissance fairs. But if you have the chance to go to a costume store – take it! Even if it’s just for a fun day with friends. Costume stores are magical! ( Costume Stores own online shops quite often btw ;-) )

Option 4: Events
You usually find lots of merchants at medieval events who sell costumes. Of course this is another option but you should be aware they the clothes are a little more expensive oftentimes.  But depending on who is selling you might be able to negotiate.

I am sure there are plenty more options but these are my usual sources when I want to buy new things.
If you’ve found what you wanted you can “style” your clothes by adding dirt or aging them.
Aging is actually quite easy: just put the clothes in a bowl with hot water and add black tea and/or coffee and you’ll get a wonderful yellowish color and stains. If you want to look even wilder you can use a grater and roughen the fabric though you should try that on something else first before you “damage” you costume too much.
Acryl colors are also a good way to age your clothes. Just take a sponge and rub it over some parts of the fabrics. And it worked better than colors for fabrics.

If you can sew: don’t mind the above options and sew a hell of an awesome costume. ;-)

I hope you liked my ideas. Now go ahead and be a badass self made pirate! Be creative and don’t forget to have fun!!!

Freitag, 30. Juni 2017

CD Review auf Deutsch - Ye Banished Privateers - First Night Back in Port

Heute würde ich gerne über die neue CD First Night Back in Port der schwedischen Piratenband Ye Banished Privateers schreiben, welche das dritte Studioalbum ist und am heutigen 30. Juni bei Napalm Records veröffentlicht wird.

Also lasst mich euch auf eine Zeitreise mitnehmen. Zurück in das 17. Jahrhundert zu einer Taverne nahe dem Ozean. Man hört das Meeresrauschen und die Schreie der Möwen. Leise beginnt das Schlagen einer Trommel und eine Frau fängt an zu singen.


Ich erinnere mich gut daran, wie ich mich sofort in diese wunderschöne Ballade verliebt habe als ich sie zum ersten mal gehört habe. Magda Andersson hat so eine magische Stimme und die Kraft genau die richtigen Emotionen in die Texte zu bringen, welche sie singt und ich finde Annabell ist ein perfektes Lied für ihr Talent. In Annabell singt sie über eine junge Frau, die viel durchgemacht hat und am Ende stirbt und in einem Grab in Georgia ruht. Die Melodie und der Rhythmus des Liedes sind wirklich eingängig und erinnern mich immer wieder an orientalische Musik. Wenn man sich Annabell anhört fängt man fast automatisch an die Hüften zu bewegen. Ich liebe auch das kräftige Solo vor der Bridge, welches auch den Höhepunkt des Songs einleitet.

Zwischen dem Annabell Lied und dem nächsten begibt man sich in die Taverne.


In diesem Lied singt der Sänger, Peter Mollwing, von seinem furchtbaren Kater nach einer Nacht an der Taverne “Schwarzer Kater”, an welcher er zu viel Rum und Kirschbier getrunken hat. Er wacht auf und alles um ihn herum ist laut und er erinnert sich nicht daran, was passiert ist. Der Lärm ist mit im Lied verarbeitet, denn man hört Tröten und Flöten und es wird nach jeder Strophe lauter. Dieses Lied ist super zum mitsingen besonders, weil die Band es nach einer tatsächlich durchzechten Nacht am Schwarzen Kater geschrieben hat. Die Melodie wird zum Ende des Liedes hin etwas salopper um die Betrunkenheit des Sängers zu zeigen und es ist wirklich witzig seine gesungene Tortur mit anzuhören.

Die Party an der Taverne geht weiter mit dem namensgebenden Lied der CD.


Dieses Lied ist das Titellied des Albums und erzählt die Geschichte der Seeleute, die nach einer langen Reise wieder im Hafen sind und was sie dort tun. Es ist ein sehr dynamisches Lied mit vielen verschiedenen Sängern und Wechsel im Tempo, wie zum Beispiel die Geigenparts. Der Text ist sehr frech, aber macht das Lied umso authentischer. Die Sänger sind super und abwechslungsreich und gestalten eine tolle Atmosphäre. Unbedingt erwähnenswert ist das 360 Grad Video, das die Band zu dem Song veröffentlicht hat. Ihr solltet es euch anschauen!

Jetzt wird es ein wenig ruhiger.


Ein Lied im Stil eines Shantys mit einem starken Refrain gesungen von einem Chor. Noch stärker singt Peter Mollwing die Leadvocals. Ich persönlich liebe den Refrain. Er erinnert mich an einen Walzer, weil die Melodie einfach gehalten ist und der Rhythmus eher langsam ist, aber man einfach mitsingen möchte während man es hört. Die Privateers beschreiben das Lied als ein Zwei- Lieder-in-einem-Lied. Ein Lied, der Refrain und die langsameren Teile ist „ein bisschen wie eine sentimentale, idealisierte irische Ballade“ während das andere Lied „böser ist und mit der harten Realität des unfreiwilligen Vertragssystems der Navy“ thematisiert. Also ist das eine mehr ein Liebeslied, das andere ein Klagelied. Der Wechsel zwischen den beiden Teilen fühlt sich oft wie ein Dialog zwischen den beiden Seiten des Lebens früher an. Geniales Songwriting.

Wir befinden uns noch in der Taverne und eine Frau tritt vor.


Dieses Lied ist eine Ode an das Lieblingsgetränk der Piraten: Rum. Magda Andersson zeigt hier wieder, wie unfassbar stark ihre Stimme ist wenn sie anfängt zu singen. Ich würde Cooper’s Rum aufgrund der Melodie und des Aufbaus als ein typisches Shanty bezeichnen.


Ein Lied, das die Privateers schon seit Jahren spielen hat endlich seinen Weg auf eine CD gefunden. Ein melancholisches aber starkes Shanty, das ruhig beginnt und intensiv endet. Die Melodie kreiert eine schwere Stimmung, aber genau das finde ich wirklich super. Thematisch behandelt das Lied die Geschichte einer elenden Crew und ihrer Mitglieder.


Ich weiß noch, wie ich das Lied zum ersten Mal bei der Pirate Folk Night in Hameln gehört habe und es sofort geliebt habe. Es erzählt die Geschichte eines jungen Seemanns, gesungen von Jim Sundström, der auf dem Weg nach Amerika seine Familie vermisst. Er ist ein Flüchtiger, weil er eigentlich zu einer Gefängnisstrafe in Australien verurteilt wurde. Der Backgroundgesang während des Lieds und den Instrumentalteilen ist wirklich schön und gelungen, vor allem die Flöten und Geigen. Insgesamt entsteht ein sehr harmonisches Lied.


Eines meiner absoluten Lieblingslieder von der CD und von den Privateers. Eine Art Protestlied aufgrund der harten Lebensbedingungen der Menschen in den Kolonien, die sie jeden Tag erleiden mussten. Die Strophen thematisieren diese Probleme während der Refrain ein Aufruf dazu ist, sich dem Gouverneur entgegenzustellen. Der Song beginnt ruhig und gewinnt dann an Tempo und Power während des Refrains. Ein klasse Lied zum mitsingen.


Ein Track, den ich nicht kannte, jedoch schnell ins Herz geschlossen haben. Es geht um einen Seemann und was er alles tun musste um zu überleben – unteranderem ein paar sehr schlimme Dinge. Wie viele Lieder der Privateers fängt der Song eher ruhig an und wird dann schneller. Untypisch für dieses Stück ist, dass es nur von einem Sänger gesungen wird und die Flöte und Geige ansonsten die markantesten Instrumente sind.


DER Privateerssong wurde endlich aufgenommen!!! Von vielen Fans bereits seit Jahren gekannt, da er bei fast jedem Konzert gespielt wird und nun können wir ihn endlich mitsingen während wir die CD hören. Die ultimative Hymne mit der einprägsamen Melodie und dem super Text. Ich mag das Intro des Liedes sehr, wenn Peter von einem Zusammentreffen mit König Charles in einer Taverne in Belfast erzählt. Der Song lebt von seinem Refrain, den Dialogen und der Geschichte über die Privateers. Ein perfektes Lied zum abtanzen!!


Ein tolles Shanty aufgrund der “Hey Ho” Stücke im Refrain. Es handelt vom Bootsmann der Crew und seinem anstrengenden Leben auf See. Nicht das komplexeste Lied, aber durch den Refrain ein Song mit Wiedererkennungswert.


Ich habe mich erst vor kurzem in dieses wunderschöne Shanty verliebt. Wieder einmal hat es –meiner Meinung nach – einen orientalischen Flair in der Melodie, was ich so schön finde. Nochmal wird es von einer Frau gesungern, der talentierten Sarah Wallin, die dem Lied eine starke Stimme gibt und über all die Seeleute sing, die ihr Leben auf See verloren. Die Geige zusammen mit dem Akkordeon und den Flöten gibt dem Lied einen signifikanten Beat und macht es zu einem echten Ohrwurm.


Vor ein paar Jahren wurde Björn Malmros’ Akkordeon nach einem Auftritt in Deutschland gestohlen. Eine echte Tragödie, wenn man bedenkt, wie unfassbar teuer diese Instrumente sind. Zum Glück wurde schnell eine Lösung gefunden und die Fans entschlossen sich dazu Geld zu spenden, damit Björn ein wunderschönes Brandoni Akkordeon kaufen konnte.  Dies war übrigens auch die Geburtsstunde des Fanclubs, den Privateers of Libertalia. Nun ist dieser Song ihnen als ein Dankeschön gewidmet. Der 9:34 Minuten lange Song beinhaltet alle Namen der Spende, die dazu beigetragen haben, dass ein neues Akkordeon gekauft werden konnte. Er ist wirklich lustig und jeder dieser Personen passiert etwas anderes, also sollte man ihm aufmerksam zuhören. J


Ein Lied, das wie ein Schlaflied klingt, aber sich schnell herausstellt, dass es eigentlich eher versaut ist. Gesungen als ein Duett und zuerst nur durch das Miniaturpiano begleitet, wird es schnell kraftvoll und zu einem sehr ironischen Musikstück, welches man nicht zu ernst nehmen sollte. Eines der Lieblingslieder der Fans.


Das letzte und noch sehr neue Lied der CD. Eine wunderschöne und traurige Ballade über ein Paar, das nicht zusammen sein darf. Der Text und die Melodie sind sehr emotional und machen das Lied zu einer guten Gelegenheit für einen Moment inne zu halten und aus dem Alltag auszubrechen. Die mehrstimmigen Parts des Liedes sind pure Magie und das lange Outro mit der Flöte und Violone machen es perfekt!!

Um alles noch einmal zusammenzufassen: Ye Banished Privateers’ neue CD ist absolut geil, Mit First Night Back in Port hat sich die Band selbst übertroffen, indem sie ein Meisterstück geschrieben haben mit einem einmaligen Sound und authentischen Texten. Mit einer Liebe zum Detail wie man es in den Hintergrundgeräuschen der Taverne oder des Ozeans hört oder auch das CD Booklet, bringt es den Hörer zurück zu den Anfängen des Irish Folks und Sea Shanties. Ein wirklich besonderes und außergewöhnlich gutes Beispiel für Musik, in die man sich definitiv verliebt.

Ich bin mir sicher, dass First Night Back in Port erst der Anfang einer musikalischen Reise ist, auf die wir alle mit der Band und ihren unfassbar talentierten und kreativen Mitgliedern gehen werden.

Ihr wollt wissen, wer hinter Ye Banished Privateers steckt?

Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2017

REWIEW: Ye Banished Privateers - First Night Back In Port

Today, I would like to write something about Swedish pirate band Ye Banished Privateers’ new CD and third studio album  First Night Back in Port which will be released on June 30 via Napalm Records.
So let me take you on a journey through time. Back to the 17th century to a tavern close to the ocean. You can hear the sound of the sea and the screams of the seagulls. A drum starts playing and a lass softly starts singing her song.


I remember falling in love with this beautiful ballad the second I heard it. Magda Andersson has such a magical voice and the power to put all the right emotions in the lyrics she is singing and this song just fits her talent perfectly. In Annabell, she sings about a young woman who has gone through a lot of trouble and hard work, died in the end and “resting in the ground in a grave in Georgia”. The melody and beat is really catchy and always reminds me of oriental music. When you listen to Annabell your hips start moving automatically. I also love the powerful solo before the bridge which introduces the climax of the song.

In between the Annabell song and the next song you enter the tavern.


In this song the singer, Peter Mollwing, sings about his awful hangover after a night at the tavern “Schwarzer Kater” where he drank too much rum and cherry beer. He wakes up to a noisy environment and can’t remember what happened. The noise is included in the song because you can hear pipes and flutes and it gets noisier and noisier after every verse. This song is a perfect sing along song especially because the band wrote it after an actual night at the “Schwarzer Kater” tavern. The melody gets sloppier in the end to express the drunkenness of the vocalist and it’s really funny to listen to his “ordeal”.

The tavern party continues with the eponymous song.


This song is the title song of the album and tells a story about sailors who come back to port after a long journey and what they do now. It is a very dynamic song with a lot of different vocalists and changes in speed like the high speed violin parts. The lyrics are quite harsh but make the song even more authentic. The singers are awesome and diverse and create a great atmosphere. Worth mentioning is the 360 degree video the band published when they released the song. You should definitely watch it.

It’s getting a little softer now.


A shanty style song with a strong choir chorus and an even stronger Peter Mollwing singing the leads. I personally love the chorus. It reminds me of a Waltz because the melody is simple and the rhythm is slow but you really want to sing along when listening to it. The Privateers describe the song as a two song in one song. One part, the chorus and slower sung parts, is “a bit of a sentimental Irish idealized ballad” while the other part is “angry and deals with the harsh reality of the involuntary drafting system of the navy”. So one part is more like a love song and the other a lament. The switching between the parts feels like a dialogue between two sides of the life back in the day. An ingenious songwriting.

We’re still in the tavern and a lass steps forward.


This song is an ode to a pirate’s favorite drink: rum. Magda Andersson once again shows here incredible strong voice when she starts singing. I would consider Cooper’s Rum a typical shanty due to its melody and structure. The male choir who shares the chorus with the singer creates a feeling of a hymn (to rum).


A song the Privateers play for years already has finally found its way on a CD. A melancholic but powerful shanty that begins really soft but ends intense. The melody creates a heavy atmosphere but I personally love this a lot. The song tells a story about a “wretched crew” and its members.


I remember hearing this song for the first time at Pirate Folk Night in Hameln, Germany and loved it immediately. The song tells a story of a young sailor, sung by Jim Sundström, who is longing for his family on the way to America. He is a fugitive because he was actually sentenced to prison in Australia. The backing vocals during the instrumental parts and verses in the song are really nice as well as the flute and violins. All together they make a very harmonic song.


One of my favorite songs from the CD and from the Privateers. A sort of protest song due to the hard living conditions people at the colonies had to face every day. The verses address these problems while the chorus is a proclamation to rise against the governor.  The song starts steady and gathers speed and power during the choruses. A great sing along song.


A track I didn’t recognize but really start liking. It is about a sailor and what he had to do to survive – a lot of bad things included. Like many Privateers songs it begins slow and gains speed during the song. Untypical about this song is the fact that it’s sung by only one vocalist and the flute an violin are the most concise instruments in this song.


THE Privateers song was finally recorded!! Known by many fans for years because it’s sung at almost every gig, we can finally sing along to it while listening to the album. The ultimate hymn with its catchy tune and lyrics. I like the intro of this song a lot where Peter talks about an encounter with King Charles at a tavern in Belfast. The song lives on its chorus, dialogues, dynamic and the story that is told about the Privateers. A perfect dancing song for a party!


A great shanty due to the “Hey ho” parts in the chorus, it is about the crew’s bosun and his hard life at sea. Not the most complex but catchy song.


I only recently fell in love with this beautiful shanty. Once again it has – in my interpretation – some oriental flair in its melody which I really like. Another song sung by a lass, the talented Sarah Wallin who gives this song a strong voice sings about all the sailors who lost their lives at sea. The violin duets combined with the accordion and flutes and the significant beat make this song a real earworm.


A couple years ago, Björn Malmros’ accordion was stolen after a gig in Germany. A real tragedy considering the fact that these instruments quite expensive. But a solution was found quickly because the fans decided to donate money so that in the end Björn could buy a beautiful Brandoni accordion. BTW this event was also the birth of the fanclub, the Privateers of Libertalia. And this is a song dedicated to them as a thank you. The 9:34 minutes long song includes all the names of the people who donated something to buy a new accordion. It is really funny because a lot of things happen to each person so you should definitely listen to it and pay attention. J


A song that sounds like a lullaby but actually turns out to be a really naughty song. Sung as a duet with the main melody played by the miniature piano at first it becomes a strong and ironic piece of music that you shouldn’t take too serious. One of the fans’ earworms.


The last and quite new song on the album. A beautiful and sad ballad about a couple that can’t be together. The lyrics and melody are very emotional which makes it a nice song to take a break from everyday life. The polyphonic parts in the song are pure magic. The long outro with the flute and violin is just perfect!

To conclude, Ye Banished Privateers’ new CD is absolutely amazing. With First Night Back in Port the band outdid themselves by writing a masterpiece with a unique sound and authentic lyrics. With a passion for detail as heard in all the background tavern and ocean sounds and seen in the CD booklet, it brings you back to the origin of Irish Folk and sea shanties. A truly unique piece of music you will definitely fall in love with.
I am sure that First Night Back in Port is just the beginning of a musical journey we will all go on with the band and its incredibly talented and creative members.

Want to know more about who’s behind Ye Banished Privateers?

Photo by Jim Sundström

Sonntag, 25. Juni 2017

Ye Banished Privateers Fanclub Party in Hamm, Germany

Ahoy lasses and lads! :)

I wanted to share a great experience with you: the Privateers of Libertalia - The Official Ye Banished Privateers' Fanclub - Party in Hamm yesterday.
I am still so full of joy because it was a blast to see all the awesome and unique fans of the Privateers and have an exclusive party with the band.
The party took place at the Pirates Tavern in Hamm which is quite cool. It was decorated with a lot of pirate-ish things like a huge Jack Sparrow (for the whole evening I thought he was a real cosplayer :D) and the staff was dressed like pirates. You could order Cherry beer and - of course - rum and they offered some small dishes such as steak in a bun or German Bratwurst. My friends from Piratengesindel also helped create a great location with some of their camp's props. We- as many others- stayed at the Hotel Stadt Hamm on the other side of the street which was quite handy.
At the entrance all Libertalians got a writsband and a button with their name on it and for the first hours we had a private party. After big hellos the first band, Drunken Saints, started playing shanties and people began gathering in front of the outside stage.
Around 10 p.m. the Privateers entered the stage. They played a really cool setlist including two new and unreleased songs, including one named Death of Bellows. Both were ballads with a strong message behind it.
At the end of the concert Björn surprised the crowd when he announced that you could buy the new CD First Night Back in Port after the concert, even though the official release date is June 30. Everyone was so excited since we've waited so long for this great CD ( is a freaking masterpiece and I am gonna write a review about it during the next days) and the merch people had a lot of work since everyone wanted the album as soon as the concert ended.
The last song of the night was We are Ye Banished Privateers and the atmosphere was so joyfull because of the big news. After the gig the band migled with the crowd, signed CD and had drinks with the fans.

I personally really enjoyed the party because it was a smaller location than usual and I finally met the people I only knew via facebook and saw people again that I hadn't seen for months. It was such an awesome and private event with the fanclub and the band and you could see that everyone was having a really good time. The location was perfectly chosen for the occasion and I felt really comfortable among my pirate family.

So I hope you enjoyed this little post and let's all hope that the Fanclub Party turns into an annual event soon. :)

Love, Anni

Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2017

Cold, Colder, Wacken Winter Nights 2017

When you're a metal or rock music fan you're familiar with a little village in the north or Germany that goes by the name of Wacken. Home to the world's biggest metal festival: Wacken Open Air with about 70,000 visitors (Wacken's normal population is 1800). So this year the festival's organizers started a new project: Wacken Winter Nights, a smaller 3-days version of WOA and a focus on medieval music.
Actually I cancelled my plans to go to WWN but I was lucky to get a cheap ticket and was there from Saturday to Sunday and wanted to share my experiences with you.
The festival was sold out with about 3500-4000 tickets but when I arrived there it wasn't really croweded. I already read on the festival's Facebook page that some people had left early because of the freaking cold weather (it was bloddy cold) and the lack of places to warm up. Well I can confirm that it was really the coldest festival I've been to so far but I think people should've known that a festival in February that takes place outside isn't comparable with a festival in summer and that you might wear warm clothes. Though I have to admit that I agree with people complaining about the lack of fireplaces.
The Line Up was good. There were bigger bands such as Subway to Sally or Saltatio Mortis but also artists I didn't know like singer/songwriter Shawn James who turned out to be effing awesome but I am gonna tell you more about him later.
The location itseld consisted of an infield with two roofed big stages and two smaller outside stages, one in the atrificial woods and another one which was supposed to be a chapel. Then there were two more locations in the village itself. The church (great acoustics btw) and the so called Wackinger which is usually a normal restaurant with an extra room with a small stage.
Okay, so the main reason I went to WWN was Ye Banished Privateers who were great as usual. They had several gigs in the woods where they played completey acoustically. It was really nice because they were basically standing in the middle of the audience and a huge shout-out to the singers whose voices were heard without mics and with background sounds from the other stages.
Another band that played in the woods most of the time was MacCabe & Kanaka, a band I really start to like. They are only two guys but they're shanties are awesome and what I like about them is that they are so easy going. They are famous for shanghaiing other musicians which leads to some funny situations on stage every once in a while. In Wacken they played with several members of the Privateers and I would like to mention Louise here, a talented young violinist.
Magda from the Privateers also had a concert as a solo artist at the church in Wacken which was both amazing and magical. The acoustics in the church were so great and the lights and candles made the atmosphere just perfect. I'm in love with Magda's voice and was really happy to listen to her again and that she got the chance to show the world one more time how gifted she is.
Now I would like to come to my favorite artist from WWN: Shawn James. Holy fuck! That guy is so damn talented that it made me speechless. I would describe his style as country rock though his interpretation is folk blues rock. Anyway, his music is incredibly awesome. He is a freaking one man show, with a guitar, his voice, percussions and a pedal. I loved his songs and his deep voice and didn't expect to see a musician at WWN who's so cool since most of the music there was medieval or metal related. I bought a CD right after his gig and am listening to it ever since.
So the three bands mentioned above where my absolute favorites though I saw some more. I should mention Dartagnan here which was quite nice and I would say their music is comparable with German folk band Versengold. Another band I saw (for about ten minutes) was Melted Space from France but that wasn't really my type of music. Metal with a lot of screaming and you actually couldn't understand any of the lyrics. Though there were a lot of people listening to them so they can't be that bad. ;-)
All in all, Wacken Winter Nights was worth it though it was really effing cold and the walks between the infield and the Wackinger or church where quite long (there were shuttle busses but you never knew when they were coming even though there was abus schedule). Soemthing that was a little annoying was that you couldn't pay with cash and had to get a payment card which you had to put money on first. I've heard that the system broke down on the first day but luckily the problem was solved by Saturday. Anyway, the concerts were awesome and I was happy to see my friends from the north and have a cool weekend with them. WWN obviously was a success because the organizers already anounced a WWN for 2018 and we will see what bands are going to be there and if it is gonna be bigger then. I am planning to go there again. :)


Samstag, 21. Januar 2017

Yo Ho Yo Ho...Let's Talk About... Piratengesindel

Who hasn't dreamt of being a pirate during childhood? With a tricorn, a pistol, cannons, sabers and of course: a ship?
There is a crew in Germany who has made this dream come true and they sail under the name Piratengesindel (German for pirate plebs). They have a whole show camp with a giant ship (24 meters long) and two masts (7 and 14 meters high), a lot of cannons, a guillotine, several gallows, flags...long story short: they love what they do.
Piratengesindel was founded in February 2014 and since then they have become a popular eyecatcher at the German medieval festival Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum (MPS) and call it their home port. 
The crew itself consist of six adults and two children and they all live in Lippstadt, Germany. Daniel is the Captain and the creative head of the crew and makes the construction plans for new items. His motto might be "If you can dream it you can do it" because for him nothing is impossible or too crazy to build. His wife Jenny and his son are also members of the crew and so are Jenny's sisters Tanja and James who are responsible for the decorations and James' son. Alongside the family there are Maik (Daniel's right hand) and Meg and together they are the greatest show crew I know.
Piratengesindel has a love for details because everthing just looks so amazing when you see their camp. May it be the huge amount of candlesticks, the fishing nets and shells or the tiny details you find on the giant ship (which btw has a height of four meters at it's stern.). Everything looks old and dirty, just like you imagine a pirate ship to look like that sails the seven seas for years.
Sailing with the crew is always an adventure because they are so awesome and funny. The tone might be rough sometimes - just very pirate-ish for obvious reasons- but in the end it is great to know them. You could end in the guillotine or their cage but when you beg for parlait and share your treasures with them (beer, rum or cookies) they will free you and invite you to their table.

(Photos by Holger Bär, Jürgen Merkens, Jürgen Uepping)

So when you're interested in getting to know Piratengesindel check out their Facebook page.

Freitag, 13. Januar 2017

Let's Talk About...Svenska

Europe is a continent with many languages...and I was lucky to learn some of them during school and due to living abroad and since October I am learning Swedish. It started as a joke because I have to do some extracurricular courses at uni, but since my boyfriend is Swedish it even makes sense now to learn this language. I have to say that I profit from being a native speaker of German since both languages have the same linguistic root and sometimes even sound alike. Soemthing I had to learn very quickly though was that words are not pronounced as they are written. Swedish people tend to swallow consonants at the end of the words like the word "jag" which means "I"...the 'g' is silent plus the 'a' is pronounced more like an open 'o'.

Jag heter Anni. - My name is Anni. (the 'r' is silent, too)

Furthermore Swedes have vowels that only exist in some Germanic related languages: 'ö' and 'å'.The 'a' with the circle is prounounced like a rounded 'o'. So as you can see the pronounciation it is a bit complicated for beginners. (BTW: the 'u' is pronounced like the German 'ü')

There are two more sounds - and I don't know how to describe them - that are super tough to pronounce. First of all the sound for (some) words written with 'sk' and 'sj' might sound like an English 'sh' but Swedes actually just breathe out while using it. It always reminds me of whistling without making a real sound. And then there is 'tj' which is almost the same - but see, it gets a bit complicated here. 😁

Okay, that's enough theory...if you always wanted to be able to say something in Swedish I'm gonna give you some usefull phrases now:

Hej! - Hello!

Jag är...- I am..

Vad heter du? - What's your name?

Varifrån kommer du? - Where are you from?

Jag kommer från...- I am from...

Hur är läget? - How is it going?

Det är lugnt! Själv? - I am good! What about you?

Jag förstår inte. - I don't understand. (most important phrase to know, if you ask me XD )

Tyskland - Germany

Sverige - Sweden

Trevligt att träffas! - Nice to meet you!

Tack - Thanks

Hey då! - Bye

I really enjoy learning Swedish because I think it is always cool to know a lot of languages and I think it's a language that especially German native speakers can learn quite easily (except for the pronounciation though).

So that's it for now and lycka till (good luck) when you talk with someone from Sweden. 😎

Love, Anni

Dienstag, 10. Januar 2017

Ye Banished Privateers or: the Greatest Pirate Band I Know

If you've watched Pirates of the Caribbean you might think that you've seen some serious pirate action but let me tell you this: far away from wherever you live, in the north of Sweden, there is a city called Umeå. One of the things Umeå is famous for (apart from Stieg Larsson living there) are the birches that were planted after a huge fire back in the 19th century...well and the other thing that city is famous for is being the home port to the greatest pirate band I know: Ye Banished Privateers.

I remember when I first saw them which must have been sometime in 2013 or 2014 in a small town medieval pub called "Tack am Central". A friend of mine told me about this crazy pirate band I should check out so we went to Solingen and I have to admit that I was really impressed to find a huge group of insanely authentic looking pirates on a small stage. I've seen pirate bands before that I didn't really like so I imagined the Privateers to be just another one of those bands but the minute I entered that pub I was plainly and simply amazed. When they started playing I felt like I was in the middle of Pirates of the Caribbean because they weren't just good at singing but as well at performing. That night was a blast and I will always keep it in my mind. I also remember how down to earth everyone was because after the concert they didn't hide backstage but actually stood within the audience and talked with everyone.A day later I saw them again at the Role Play convention in Cologne and one more time I had such a good time. Their tunes were so catchy that I could sing along with them in no time.

Since then I've seen them so many times that I actually can't count it anymore. I am the proud owner of two of their albums and I was lucky enough to win a cover contest back in 2015 and had the chance to sing with them on stage at Pirates festival in Jülich, Germany which was plain crazy. It is one thing to see Ye Banished Privateers on stage- they're authentic, incredibly talented, entertaining and fun to watch- but being WITH them on a stage and stand beside them instead of in front of them is pure insanity. These lads and lasses have so much energy and give 110 percent on stage. It was one of the best things that happened so far in my life and I have to admit that I panicked a bit while being on stage with them because there is so much going on (and you have to know that they're usually about 10-12 people on stage): dancing and jumping and drinking and fighting - someone even gets drowned and one gets hanged. Not to mention the badass guitar and bass solos ( they are quite creative about this part and obviously very lose-jointed ;) ). So long story short: they're gigs are absolutely worth watching!!!

On their website the band describes their style as a mixture of sea shanties, Irish folk and 17th century rock and I can add that I've never heard music like their's before - it's unique. I really like their shanties like "You and me and the Devil makes Three" and so does the audience and sings along with the band. You just feel like dancing when you listen to the music of the Privateers. One thing I also love about them are their ballads. I remember that when I first saw them at that tiny pub in Solingen they played a song called "Fisher Lass" which is basically the most beautiful ballad I know. It is about a girl who waits for her lover only to find out that his ship sank and he will never return to her. The melody and the lyrics went straight to my heart and have never left it ever since. So if you don't know this song already: go ahead and listen to it on Youtube and I am sure you won't regret it.

I could name tons of songs now like my new favorite "Annabelle" which wasn't officially released yet but something I also wanted to mention is the community around the band. It must have been Christmas time 2014 when Björn's precious accordion was stolen after a gig in Hanover. This was a shock for everyone and people quickly decided to help him get it back. Unfortunately it was lost - a nightmare for every musician...until someone came up with the idea of donating money so that Björn could buy a new accordion. This turned into one of the coolest actions I've heard of so far and it became quite a charity event. Enough money was raised and Björn was able to buy an awesome accordion. The band later thanked everyone who donated with a song (which was super funny btw) and the fanclub was born.

The Privateers of Libertalia (the name was inspired by YBP's album The Legend of Libertalia and the song by this name) are the official fanclub of Ye Banished Privateers and I have to admit that I am happy to be a part of these crazy people because there is always someone coming up with a cool idea like a flash mob at a concert, a christmas action, surprising the band with a banner or saving money for kids in need....what I love about the fanclub is the atmosphere. Everyone is friendly and we are just like one big family, sticking together and having fun at the festivals. I've got to know so many great people through the fanclub, people I wouldn't miss anymore.

Besides all the fun Ye Banished Privateers speak out for equality in any case. May it be about the refugees coming to Europe or gender equality. The band has its opinion about it and doesn't hide it. Something I think is really important nowadays because there is too much hatred in this world. Their songs are about freedom and having the choice to live without any pressure like "Libertalia" which is one of my favorites from them. So one more time: check them out on Youtube or Spotify or better: buy their CD!! ;)

All in all, I am happy that I know Ye Banished Privateers and I could go on and on about their amazing members and music and how it inspires me. I am quite picky about bands I like but this band is really effing awesome. Hopefully they will release a new CD this year since everyone ( including me) is eagerly waiting for it but until then I'll just count on seeing them live a lot this year.

If you wanna know more about this band or their tour dates you should check out their website:


or Youtube:

Have fun and lots of love,


Photos by Magic Moments Event Pictures

Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2017

What I watch on Netflix lately: Reign (CBS)

I am really into historical TV shows like "Game of Thrones" or "The Tudors" because I love the costumes and authenticity of these shows - well "GoT" is fantasy but it is still great. But at the moment I am re-watching CBS' "Reign" which follows the young Mary Queen of Scots during her time at the French Court. So as promising as this show sounds its plain awful.
I mean the story is actually as good as other historical shows like the ones mentioned above but what really sucks about this show are the costumes. I dunno if it's because it's an American show and America's history doesn't include the Middle Ages but how the hell can the women on the show wear dresses that look like they come from Fashion Week ( there's actually proof that they do)?!? Short-sleeved, spangled, bling-bling dresses made of sheer fabrics....WTF!?!
The story of the show has it all: love, intrigues, war..all you expect from a show like this but these damn costumes annoy me so much. The men are dressed historically correct so why not do the same with the women? I don't get it. So every time I see that show I could vomit on the screen because of those stupid and ridiculous costumes. Unfortunaltely, I like the story so I keep watching it...
Another thing that is absolutely dumb are the names of the characters...Lady Lola...LOLA!? Are you kidding me??? The show takes place in 1557....who the hell gave that girl that name?!
As a conclusion I can say that this show is a hate'n'love thing but whoever is responsible for the costumes and names should go back to history class and learn some proper stuff about the Middle Ages. Please!?

Have a nice evening! :)

Love, Anni

Mittwoch, 4. Januar 2017

Me? A Blogger? this thing on? 

For a very long time I had the idea of blogging...I know it is quite fashionable now but there are so many things that I would like to write about so I decided to give it a try. I have absolutely no idea about websites, settings or anything other computer related so you have to be very patient with me. What I am planning to do is blogging about my life, my adventures and hobbies, my travels or just writing about things that are on my mind. So this might become a very colorful blog one day.

So yeah, this is it for now.

Let the adventure begin!!!

Love, Anni